4 Key Steps to Structural Drying and Dehumidification

Has your property suffered a flood? Extreme weather is causing more and more damage. High water levels from torrential downpours and tropical storms are becoming more common.

Water damage can devastate buildings and equipment. Moisture can damage any material, no matter how well built. Worse yet are the health implications if mold is given an opportunity to grow.

The dry standard is any material’s natural moisture level. Structural drying is the process of removing moisture from the elements of a structure until they’re back to their dry standard.

Keep reading for 4 key elements to structural drying and dehumidification. These are the steps that will ensure your building is returned to its proper state.

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Water Removal

Any excess water needs to be addressed first. The easiest way to do so is by using pumps built for this purpose. They can work so effectively that it’s possible to leave carpets installed while still removing all traces of water from them.

Skipping this step will slow the process down. Relying on ventilation only will take much longer and be less effective.


After the sitting water has been removed, the surfaces will still be quite damp. The next step involves using high-power fans to increase the airflow, resulting in evaporation.

Specialized fans can provide high-pressure airflow that will help dry out excessive dampness. These machines are designed to run efficiently, using far less energy than standard fans.


The first step sees water in its natural solid state. The second one converts leftover water into a gas, pulling it from the structure’s surfaces. The third step involves pulling that vapor from the air.

Dehumidifiers draw in and cool down moist air. This converts the vapor back into water which is collected for later disposal. Without doing this the extra moisture in the air can be absorbed into other materials, causing further problems.

Temperature Management

The warmer the air, the quicker it evaporates. Maintaining a steady temperature will make structural drying more effective. Aim for between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Raising the temperature above 90 degrees is harder on the equipment, so don’t set the temperature too warm.

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Final Notes on Structural Drying

The climate you live in will impact how quickly you can completely dry your building. Same with the time of year the damage occurs. However, the steps remain the same.

Failure to remove excessive nature can lead to major complications. Rot, rust, and decay are examples of the damage that can occur if materials aren’t properly treated.

It’s possible to complete structural drying on your own, but it’s one job where bringing in professionals makes sense. It’s not just the benefit of having an experienced hand guiding the process. Having access to the proper equipment is the only way to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

If you have questions about managing water damage or have any other questions about disaster recovery, let us know.


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