Emergency response executed within 48 hours of any catastrophic event at your commercial or industrial property is critical to help ensure your recovery, prevent further damage, preserve your assets and begin reconstruction. By partnering with Unlimited Restoration, you can have your entire Emergency Response Plan at your fingertips 24/7 with our URI ERP. You can access your unique Emergency Response Plan from either your mobile device, through a native app from either the Apple or Google Play store for both Apple and Android devices, or from your computer or tablet, through the web portal.
Both natural and human-made disasters can cause an immense amount of damage to your property and lead to challenges you may otherwise have not anticipated. Having a dedicated Emergency Response Plan is a critical piece of overall business continuity planning, making you better prepared to respond to any emergency in your facility and thus minimizing business interruption.
Our URI Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for commercial and industrial properties delivers a wide range of benefits that property and facility managers can take advantage of, including:
The onboarding process for the URI Emergency Response Plan is simple.
1. Initial Meeting with URI Professionals: Discuss a customized plan suited for your properties and buildings and execute an ERP contract.
2. Facility Assessment: Your URI Representative will conduct an assessment at your facility with your identified Facility, Maintenance, or Property Management Team Members, in conjunction with URI Operations Team Members. This meeting generally takes between 1 – 1.5 hours.
3. ERP Buid, Presentation, and Training: After your ERP is completely built following the facility assessment and uploaded into the URI ERP app, your URI Representative will present the app to you and your staff. They will be trained on using the app and be provided with tools for Emergency Preparedness.